About Me
- Name: gazuky
- Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom
Comedy writer/producer/performer, creator and host of '10 Items or Less' on Rhubarb Radio (Sun 5-6pm), and the 'Clever Little Pod' podcast.
Your occasional dose of British comedy nonsense. It's only 20 minutes so it won't put you out.
At Sunday, 18 December, 2005,
Compmouse said…
Ohh!! Thank you so much for the mention! Kitty and I wish you and Keely a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year! (With no Teletubbies).
At Monday, 19 December, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Hey, guys! I work in Birmingham, Alabama, USA and really dig your show! I was wondering where you got all of your christmas music from, though, and if any of it was free. I hope you and Keely have a smashingly awesome Christmas(do you guys use smashingly over there?) and get lots of stuff you wanted!
At Monday, 19 December, 2005,
gazuky said…
Hi Robby,
All of the music on the show is available for free on the web, although not all of it was automatically licensed for inclusion (I had to seek permission for a few of the tracks).
Links to a lot of the files for this show are on the credits page (click here).
We don't really use 'smashingly' over here, although I could start a trend! But as a fellow person from Birmingham (albeit on a different continent!) are you also known as a 'Brummie'?
Glad you like the show - makes it all worthwhile!
Cheers and Merry Christmas!
At Monday, 19 December, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I WILL BE NOW!!!! I guess I should have held off 'til the end of the show where you told us where to find it... Thank you guys again for the funniness!
At Saturday, 24 December, 2005,
Anonymous said…
And now for a special Xmas announcement. . .
I thought Christmas 2005 would suck, sagging American economy, personal joblessness, made up wars on the phrase Merry Christmas. I was close mentally cancelling Christmas for yet another year. But then I heard Mate's "Now It's Christmas" on Clever Little Pod and the entire broadcast "de-Grinched" me just in time for December 25 . . . before the relatives come around!
At Saturday, 24 December, 2005,
gazuky said…
Thanks Nerdnoir.
Things are starting to sag here too. Nothing to do with the economy though...
At Thursday, 29 December, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I've not laughed so hard in a long time. Your pod cast is one of the best! My friends are now telling me to stop talking about "Clever Little Pod". My boss wants a few words with you because I listen just before I go to sleep and I stay up too late so I'm tired the next day!
At Friday, 30 December, 2005,
gazuky said…
Just play the show to your boss and before long he'll be greeting the office with a chirpy 'Good Mornevenoon!' and humming along to the theme tune.
Actually, I think it's a bit much to spend two hours every night jumping up and down on the bed like a 4-year old, then blaming your tiredness on me. Find another scapegoat!
At Tuesday, 10 January, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Good Mornevenoon Gary
I'm a recent subscriber to your podcast and listened to your entire back catalogue on a journey between Birmingham and Hull.... yes that's right, I went to Hull!
Anyway, yes i'm a fellow Brummie (actually I live in walsall but let's not split hairs). I didnt actually realise you were a brummie until i'd listened to the podcasts.
Anyway, having listened to them all in one go i'm very impressed, and feel their getting better as they go on. So keep up the good work and hurry up and release another one. Oh and make them longer.
Loyal Fan
At Saturday, 22 July, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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