About Me
- Name: gazuky
- Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom
Comedy writer/producer/performer, creator and host of '10 Items or Less' on Rhubarb Radio (Sun 5-6pm), and the 'Clever Little Pod' podcast.
Your occasional dose of British comedy nonsense. It's only 20 minutes so it won't put you out.
At Tuesday, 19 July, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Fun Show. I love English humor.
At Tuesday, 26 July, 2005,
Anonymous said…
This show was BRILLIANT!!!!!! Keep up the great work.
At Friday, 29 July, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Superb show! Had me in stitches. Now even my iPod has got those dreaded popups! Ahhhhh......
At Tuesday, 02 August, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Hi, I love the show, its nearly as good as little britain!
why is it that my ipod crashes when show 3 starts, well i posted this on a forum and it seems evreyones does it, what you do is:
Trough it out a window, call apple and send for a replacement which will not remember show 2 and it will play, when a new show comes out please repeat this!
this is because apple set their ipods so u cant wriggle about on the floor, and so when you do it, it remmebers and switches your ipod off when clever little pod starts, look out for firmware upgreads which will come out to solve this, you can find them at: www.please-send -your-credit-card-numbers-to-ThanksAlot-We-will-only-use-your-card-to-buy-over-prices-CDs-from-our-sister-site-and-make-lots-of-money@hackall.com_thanks.co.uk/firmware, this is where u will find all the best firmware for you ipod in extange for sending your credit card info to them bargin!
Well keep up the kwl shows!
At Tuesday, 02 August, 2005,
gazuky said…
Thanks! I'm speechless!
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